Monday 13 May 2013


Some PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons were dedicated to promote diversity and understand fully the meaning of this word.  The activities prepared by Ms. Ben, for the students of Grade 9 gave them the opportunity to become aware that we are all different, each having a unique personality. The activities ranged from watching videos,  power point presentations to hands on activities such as the Chain of Diversity where students were asked to write their name on a piece of paper and pass it on the next student who in turn was asked to write two positive comments about the person whose name appears on the paper. 
At the end of the activity, I collected the papers and together with the students we linked them to make a paper chain, which represents that we are all diverse yet united. It is also a promise made to oneself and their peers to respect and tolerate each other’s differences with respect.

The above photos clearly demonstrate the students’ work and effort to promote diversity. In this activity shown above, the PSHE students were divided into two groups and they were asked to create an advertisement for a magazine promoting examples of diversity. Once the chart was done each group made a brief presentation of their work whilst the audience discussed the chart and its content. Prior to preparing the charts, the students chose a quote or slogan to inspire them and home in the message on the importance of embracing diversity and the fact that each one of us deserves to be accepted, respected and loved.


  1. Well done Ms. Ben and students for such creative and meaningful work!

  2. I love the idea of a "paper chain of diversity" !

  3. I like the idea of a "paper chain of diversity",too!Well done!
